Land the Listing Remotely

March 25, 2020

When it comes to listings, The Haro Group of Keller Williams knows what it takes to close the deal. Collectively, the 15-person team sold 255 homes last year … and while the market of the moment has undoubtedly presented new challenges, the team is moving ahead with confidence. “We’ve built our team on the bedrock of models and systems created by Keller Williams and have been able to shift at lightning speed,” says founder and CEO Haro Setian.

Setian lays out the team’s approach to working with sellers and offers practical tips and takeaways to help you land the listing remotely.  

The Home Court Advantage

Moving listing appointments from in-person to a virtual setting hasn’t brought overwhelming disruption to the team’s operation. In fact, it aligns perfectly with the strategy they set in 2014.

“Six years ago, we decided to move all of our listing consultations to the office. Because our territory has a one-hour radius, I was driving 30 minutes round trip to meet with sellers and was going over the 45 minutes allotted because I enjoyed the conversation so much,” shares Setian.

“When our goals increased, I realized that we’d have to go on more listing appointments, and practically, wouldn’t be able to fit in the amount needed if we went to our seller’s homes. Bringing people into our environment has been huge. Besides saving time, it’s placed us in control of the setting where we can fertilize the ground for decisions to be made. We have a more favorable posture and can convert faster. Going fully-remote hasn’t changed our passion, our confidence, and this home court advantage.”

The Process

Prior to moving remote, the team:  

  • Invited potential sellers to the office to discuss “their needs, pricing, and reach an agreement,” shares Setian. “We want to make sure that we are a good fit for their needs.”
  • Sent a stager to the home to assess and make recommendations for adjustments.  
  • Invited clients back to the office to present their official listing presentation. “We lay out a custom plan, complete with data and tools at work to help them sell their home. The idea is to make it as easy as possible for them to make a decision to partner with us,” shares Setian. 

 Now, they:

  • Have combined the first and final listing appointment to deliver one listing presentation via Zoom. 

“Video conferencing allows us to take note of body language and tone so we can effectively communicate our value proposition. I have dual monitors so I can have the presentation pulled up on one screen and a script on the other,” shares Setian. “This has been very helpful as questions and objections arise.”

  • Send a stager to the home to make recommendations for adjustments. “We make sure to let our sellers know how we are taking the utmost precaution at this time. When the stager enters the home, sellers briefly leave to ensure proper social-distancing measures are being taken. In the home, the stager is wearing gloves, boots, and uses Clorox wipes to sanitize all surfaces they touch. This can also be done virtually.”

Related Read: Listing Presentations That Win Sellers

Setian offers the following advice and encouragement to those who find themselves feeling anxious about going digital with sellers.

Focus on your value

We’ve sold over 700 listings without an agent stepping foot in their home. Winning with sellers comes down to consistently communicating your unique value proposition – or what sets you apart. 

If you haven’t developed a clear UVP, here are two questions (courtesy of Ignite) to get you started: 

  • What skills or services do you have that align with sellers at this time? 
  • What habits or characteristics do you have that align with what sellers value? 

Review your answers and rephrase them as benefits to your clients.

Leverage KW tech

Command and the KW App open opportunities that were never there before – including the ability to pull hyperlocal neighborhood insights, create and deliver customized seller guides, and customize beautifully-designed listing presentations. Don’t recreate the wheel. Take advantage of the tech at your disposal. By doing so, you ALSO can slash your tech expenses.

New to Command and the KW App? Get started, here.

Practice, practice, practice 

Our practice is twofold. Before we hold a virtual listing appointment, we invite a member of the team on to make sure sound and screen share is working properly. We also practice our scripts daily. Don’t be discouraged. Things get easier the more you expose yourself to them.

Related Read: 4 Tactics and Scripts For Long-Term Relationship Building

Open up to new ways of doing things

Change is hard, but you must get comfortable with discomfort; that’s where the growth happens. Three things that have been very helpful for me during this time are prayer, meditation, and focusing on taking it one day at a time. What about you? Now is the time to pursue activities and seek resources that will contribute to a positive mindset and your personal/professional growth.

Pivot: Shift Ahead

Real estate is shifting, but Keller Williams has never stopped preparing. Hear from the experts, like Haro Setian, on daily livestreams, and access on-demand video and other helpful resources on KW Connect.

Let’s Pivot

Also, make sure to subscribe to Outfront for high-density content so you can absorb the most relevant information to make smart business moves.

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