“Why not me?” is a question I ask myself when I have a dream I want to fulfill.
It hasn’t always been that way. In 2016, my business was ramping up along with my desire to have a third child. I was caught at a crossroads between growing my business and growing my family. The problem was, I couldn’t find any women in real estate producing $40 million or more (annually) with three young children.
Everyone kept telling me that once my husband and I went for baby number three, I would have to significantly cut back at work because it would be too hard to stay in production. That’s when my KW MAPS coach asked, “Why not you?” At that moment, I decided I would be the example that I, and so many others, needed.
So I did it. I had my third child – a beautiful baby girl after two boys. Before my daughter came along, I thought it would take longer to hit my goals, but the opposite was true. With a newfound desire to succeed through others, I brought on new team members and reached my goals faster.
Embrace leverage.
The Leverage Series was instrumental for me. The set of three courses taught me how to hire effectively and retain the talent I had acquired. With the right people in the right roles, letting go of tasks became second nature. Soon, I had the freedom I needed to focus on being the business owner, mother and wife I wanted to be. Now I have four producing agents, two in-office admins, and three virtual assistants. In September, we reached the goals we set for 2019 and have grown the business to over $50 million.
Leverage at home
The leverage skills I learned at KW spilled over into my home life as well. I remember a time when my husband and I were frayed and moving fast trying to accomplish everything in our home and businesses alone. Then, I heard the CEO of KW MAPS Coaching say, “If you’re mowing your own grass, you’re the gardener. If you’re cleaning your own house, you’re the maid”. That statement propelled me to put a dollar amount to my time. I saw that if I lead generated for the hours I was working on tasks at home, I would be able to hire the leverage I needed and be more productive and happy.
We now have a live-in maid who used to own her own restaurant. She helps manage our house and does all of the cooking, freeing me up to spend more quality time with my family. She’s amazing! I want families with young kids to realize that life is much more enjoyable when you let go of what you don’t love to do and let others in to do what they love to do. Someone once told me, “Your kids don’t care who cooks the food. They care that you are able to sit down and eat with them.”
Know the financials.
Knowing what you’re worth by the hour means you need to know the true worth of your business. Thanks to bookkeeper David Pittiglio (Streamlined Business Solutions) and KW MAPS Coaching, I keep a consistent pulse on all of my financials. He helps me make sure I’m on track to meeting my financial goals and that I’m following the model outlined in the Millionaire Real Estate Agent. I’ve learned that while production is important, it doesn’t matter how much our team produces if we aren’t living our life by design and we aren’t profitable. When we continue to grow ourselves and protect our culture, the profit comes.
Your kids don’t care who cooks the food. They care that you are able to sit down and eat with them.
Getting to this mindset has taken years of work and coaching. For a long time, money made me anxious. Things changed after I learned how to put together a needs analysis and action plan through KW MAPS coaching. Now I know every facet of our financials and the business has grown 25% year after year. As Gary Keller says, “Whatever you track gets better.”
Stay positive, focused and inspired.
On the tough days, it can be tempting to look at the rankings and feel like you’re not doing well enough. I’m here to tell you that comparison is a trap. Everyone has unique challenges that will never make it to the highlight reel. When I get discouraged, I journal about the bright future ahead, take a moment to reflect on the relationships I’m grateful for and head to my computer to register for a KW class or event – which I encourage everyone to do. So many agents are eager to share how they’ve reached their goals; I invite you to do the same. When you contribute to KW’s culture of giving by sharing your own struggles, you help others. Be the example. Be the person who inspires.
Just start.
Getting to our chosen life by design has truly been a journey. My husband and I weren’t born into wealth. It has taken years of learning, growth and openness every step of the way. We’re proof that anyone can start anywhere. The key is sticking to the models and surrounding yourself with people who are committed to your growth – your greatest cheerleaders. Life is too short to not have a fan club cheering you on. Choose mentors and peers who lift you up and inspire you to dream big and ask, “Why not me?”
Photo Credit: B. Simply Photography
Super inspirational! Thank you for sharing, it’s truly wonderful what you have achieved!
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