7 Battle-Tested Scripts from KW’s ‘Choose Your Script Champion’

September 17, 2020

“The words that we use are so important,” started Head of Industry Jason Abrams at KW’s inaugural “Choose Your Script Champion” event at Mega Camp. “So much so, I like to say they are our art form; the words are the paint, and conversation, the canvas.” Agents who can script their own Sistine Chapel are destined to move their clients into action faster, leaving more time for building their empire.

But what is it that distinguishes a masterpiece from a bunch of words on a piece of paper? Abrams boiled it down to three bullet points:

  • Authenticity – the client has to believe they’re experiencing the real you 
  • Empathy – they believe you care about them 
  • Logic – you have to credibly get them from where they are to where they need to be

These three traits were embodied by every contestant in the first two competitions, but by the end of Mega Camp, only two champions remained: Anna Kilinski and David Huffaker. These two oratory prodigies will be joined by future Choose Your Script Champions in a winner-take-all dialogue melee at next year’s Family Reunion. Keep an eye on all KW communication channels to find out when the rest of the qualifying rounds will go down.

And, if you aspire to enter the Choose Your Script Champion Thunderdome one of these days, you’re in luck. Below, you’ll find 7 scripts from the actual competition that will help you sharpen your skills and strengthen your defenses.

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I want to list my house with you, but I’m not 100% sure you’re a luxury brand. 

Alexis Weigand: Absolutely, <seller name>, I can appreciate that and get it a lot, because you probably see this luxury brand’s signs in the yards. I actually came prepared with their solds and our solds. 

The great news is – we have already sold 150 homes in your area and they have only sold 30. Now, that doesn’t mean that they haven’t listed more. But here’s the kicker, their average days on market is 101. When you hire us, our average days on market is six. 

And, <name>,  we are averaging our clients 99% list price. They’re averaging their sellers only 95% list price. You told me that top dollar was half a million on your house. And that’s 4%. What is the difference? $20,000. What could you do with an additional $20,000 in your pocket? 

I can’t list until I find somewhere else to move. I’m just not doing it. And, I’m not interested in having the contingent offer. 

Nick Waldner: <Name>, I completely get it. I mean, this is a very tough market for a lot of sellers in your position. So tell me, what is giving you the desire to move right now? 

Seller: I need to get into a bigger house. 

Waldner: Absolutely. We have a couple of different options, and all of those options are going to be up to you; my job is to deliver the options and then you choose.

  • We have the opportunity to get a cash offer on your house. Now, I want to tell you, it’s not going to be as high as we could get on the market. 
  • We also have an opportunity to go to a lender and see if we can do a bridge loan, which would allow you to purchase the new house before selling the next one.
  • The next question is, would you be interested in a rental for a short amount of time after you sell in order to get that next house for even less? 

There are lots of different options, and my job is just to help you determine what’s best for you. 

A buyer has fallen in love with a home that is $300,000 over their budget. How do you bring someone into reality if they can’t afford what they’ve picked out? 

Anna Kilinski: You know what? I can totally see why you love that house. And you know what? I want one like that too. In fact, my husband says that I have the same problem. I always want things that I can’t afford. I wish that I had a little bit more money that I could just give to you. But at the end of the day, I’m not a real estate magician such that I can shave $300,000 off of the house. 

But what I am really great at – what my value proposition is for you and your family and number one goal – is to help you build wealth through real estate. And, I think we can both agree that buying a house that is not within your budget – that doesn’t support providing your family with the life that you deserve. So let’s revisit your goal and your motivation to find the perfect house in the perfect budget so we can start to build your perfect life. 

Your seller wants to price their home for $500,000, but you know it’s worth $450,000. What do you say? 

Anthony Mason: I completely understand you’re passionate about the price in which you’ve found. Let me provide you some insight on how I get homes sold. 

If we come out the gate with your home over price, all of the agents that show your property instantly write your property off because, at that point, because you’re overpriced, you’re considered an unmotivated seller. In this market, ‘unmotivated seller’ means you’re highly priced above the market. 

If any agent actually sees that your property is overpriced and we come back and we try to reduce the price later, you’re still seen as an unmotivated seller. With that, it also puts in the eyes of those agents that you’re an unrealistic seller who will not cooperate when the time comes for us to be under contract. 

I’ll make you a deal. Sign the agreement with me today. I’ll get an appraiser out tomorrow. And, if the appraiser comes back at your price, I’ll pay for the appraisal and vice versa if it’s the other way around. 

Fair enough? 

You’re amazing! And, I also want to interview other agents. 

Courtney Newton: I can clearly see you’re a strategic person. And, have you considered that by waiting and interviewing other agents, you may actually be jeopardizing the equity position you have in your house?

Seller: No, I mean, I’m sure it’s just going to be a few days. You think that’ll make a difference?

Newton: Let me explain. Because, while you’re interviewing those agents, the buyer that’s willing to pay the most money for your house may be out looking. So what we need to do is get started. And, when you hire me and my team, we immediately go to work identifying that buyer and driving them to your house, as well as other buyers that may be in the marketplace looking. So do you agree that I would be able to get your house sold? 

Seller: Yeah, sure.

Newton: Great. Then let’s do the right thing and get the contract signed tonight and put me to work getting your home sold. 

You’re great and I want to list my house with you, but everyone in my neighborhood uses ‘brand x’ and you’re ‘brand y.’ I mean, the same Realtor sends me mail every single week. I think I should probably go with brand X.

Chase Sloan: Hey, <name>,  you know what? I can appreciate that. And I like you, too. <name>,  let me ask you a question. Do you want your home sold by a brand or a business? 

Seller: I don’t really know the difference. 

Sloan: Here’s the thing with the brand. It’s just a name. It’s not personal. I mean, we’re even seeing right now in this time that people are switching brands because they just don’t relate anymore. What you need is a business, someone like me, that’s here with you right now. I can focus on making sure you get your home sold according to the way that fits you best. 

Now, I appreciate that other company. In fact, we co-op with them all the time. But during times like this, you need a business that cares most about you. And that’s me. So let’s go ahead and do the right thing. Let’s get your home sold. I have the contract right here. 

What do you say we go ahead and sign? 

I think you’re great. I just have another agent who will list the house and take 1% on the listing side. I just need you to match that and then we can do business. 

David Huffaker: I appreciate the fact that you’re willing to ask that. I mean, let me ask this. Do you want me to do it for a reduced fee, or do you want to walk away from the closing table with the largest check possible?

Seller: I’m not sure what you mean. To get the largest check possible, you’re going to have to come down on your fee. 

Huffaker: Well, that’s not necessarily true. Can I explain? 

Seller: Please. 

Huffaker: In the absence of value, price becomes a conversation. And for a team like us with 35 members spending over $80,000 a month to market your home, we can guarantee you that we’re going to net you and gross you the most money possible in this market. Does that make sense?

Seller: Yeah, that makes sense. 

Huffaker: What happens is you have other agents out of the marketplace that maybe can’t match that value or don’t feel like they offer the value that they should. 

I’ve done the market research, and I can tell you that my team lists and sells homes for 101% of the list price on average. The average agent in our area, on the other hand, sells for 96%. So that’s a 5% difference in price.

So, let me ask you this. If the other agent did it for 0%, wouldn’t you still be losing 2% by not hiring me? 

Seller: I guess I would. 

Huffaker: Well, what we want to do is make you the most money in closing. And we went through the price of the home and the marketing. And, let me say this, if you’re not absolutely in love with the job that I do and the money that we make you in this transaction, we’ll have a conversation about commission when we get to the closing table. Does that sound fair? 

Seller: Fair enough. 

Huffaker: Great! Sign here. 

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  • Savannah Dunn | Keller Williams Realty Allen, Texas says:

    These are great! Thank you for pulling them all together in one resource.

    • Ada Ciuca says:

      We’re so happy you’re finding value in these, Savannah! Stay tuned for more exciting post-Mega Camp Outfront content. We’re cooking up a storm for y’all!

      • Alexis Bolin says:

        How do I sign up for your next script off?
        I’ve been selling real estate for 42 years, closed over 5500 transactions and then the number one agent in the nation three different times for ERA Real Estate before I join Keller Williams Realty is ago. I’m known as the queen of Scripts, dialogs and negotiation and my references would be Nikki Ubaldini and Linda Mckissack. My cell is
        Email is alexis.Bolin Group@gmail.com

  • Donna W of Keller Williams Realty Maui Big Island Office says:

    How about the others of our big winner, David Huffaker, from the early rounds? He really is awesome.

    • Ada Ciuca says:

      Thanks for commenting, Donna! This isn’t the last you’ll see of the script-off content. There is more to come on Outfront, so stay tuned 🙂

  • Kate Gil says:

    Love these!! Thank you!!!

  • Susy Karlen says:

    Thank for gathering all the scripts – these are great!

  • Toia MD says:

    Thank You for gathering. I second Donna W’s request to get all of the rounds that David participated in. He is awesome!

    • Ada Ciuca says:

      Hi Toia! Thank you for commenting. Request noted. This isn’t the last you’ll see from the script-off on Outfront. Stay tuned!

  • Tasia Christakis says:

    These scripts are awesome! Thank you so much for placing them in one resource. How about the rest of the scripts? They were all amazing!!

    • Ada Ciuca says:

      Hi Tasia! Thank you for commenting. We absolutely agree – these scripts were all amazing. Stay tuned for more on them 🙂

  • Gabriella Marzorati says:

    WOW! Those scripts are super perfect!! Thank you

  • Greg Kilroy says:

    These are excellent, well done!

  • Michelle D. Morris-Mays says:

    I love script-offs, and have had some of these conversations. Way to go, team.

  • Rhonda V Jones says:

    Leading the way! Thank you for this amazing training resource!

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